
The Girl





Thursday, February 16, 2006

Find the way

I'm sure most of you have heard... that the past will forever haunt you.

And for me, there have been lots of little signs that reminds me about last year. Some of them as insignificant as seeing cars looking all smashed and bent due to a minor accident. And then it becomes more obvious when my parents found out I got a ticket because my parking ticket expired after half an hour.

To my surprise, my dad didn't find it a big deal. While my mom was about to explode (seeing as the ticket was directed to her, because I was using her car at that time) my dad merely shrugged it off. Though I was glad, I have to admit, I got kinda scared.

And then this morning I was talking to that friend whom I fought with last year, and after a long chat during class, we finally accepted each other's apologies. It was rather strange to me, I don't know how to explain it... I feel like there's a past self inside me that's crying out right now. It's telling me to "Stop believing everything's all right! It's not all right! Things will get worst! I'm sure it will!"

And then there's another side of me that says, "You'll be all right! It won't happen again!"

Then, amazingly enough, there will be another voice telling me, "I'm sure you know what to do."

Gah... I'm weird.

Happy Valentine's Day! Or a belated one... Believe it or not, I fell sick a day before Valentine's. I had this really bad sore throat, and so I took strepsils and my mom gave me these pills and strange lozenges for me that practically killed my tastebuds.

So on Valentine's Day, as I made chocolate for my friends and families... let's just say I got sick of chocolate without really eating as much chocolate as I hoped it would be. Lol! But never mind... it was nice hanging out with everyone, even though I was such an ass for even sleeping while they were around. (Darn being sick!)

I'll be going to Malacca this weekend to celebrate my Grandfather's 86th birthday. ^^ Hope it all goes well... but with my aunts around... Lol! ^^

Take care and God bless.


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