
The Girl





Friday, May 07, 2004

Mitsukaruyo... kanarazu

I was looking through my baby photos, just because my class was asking for it. I was surprised, as I noticed I really had a thing for cameras. Every chance a camera has on me, I'd come up with the most stupidest (or sexy, as my mom claimed) poses that gives me the shivers whenevere I look at it.

But then again, what's in it with a photo? Sure... years later we'll probably look at it and wonder 'What the hell was I doing posing/smiling/acting/frowning like that? This is soooo embarassaing!'

But you know what, I had a good time laughing at myself and my stupid antics. Let's say it was my form of entertainment. And I can't help but think that I wouldn't want my baby cousins to think I was a plain and boring kid (mind you, I can't think of my parents the same way after seeing their pictures... they look so... young... and let's say it doesn't help I looked somewhat like my mother when she was young, wearing a little dress)

So, cameras! Flash all you want (and I'm not being horny here) I'll give you my best smile so that I'll let all of you know that I love being sixteen (gonna be seventeen, and very proud of it, too!) and youth is all about being enjoyed.

Family Day is on the 15th, gonna help my BEC sell some bookmarks and 'I love God' pins. Hoeee....

Anyway, must study. Exam next week.


(gets distracted with Tsubasa)

God bless.


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