Thursday, May 15, 2003
From the spirit's the holidays and my folks are home. What to do...what to do...?
I know! I'll go on an anime spree!
Anime? But there's nothing to watch...
Not for me. Mwahahahahahah!!!
Let me introduce you to the world of Shaman King as I watched it. We first see Oyamada Manta who's incredibly short for his age (13) and he is on his way back home from school at night (what kind of a school is this?????) passing a graveyard where he meets a boy who's his age. They talk for a while and then Manta gets a shock of his life when he finds out this boy was actually talking to ghosts. The boy's name is Asakura Yoh and he goes to school the next day, entering Manta's class. Of course, Manta gets freaked out but it's all part and parcel after seeing a boy talking to ghosts, but you can't blame Yoh...
After all he is a Shaman.
Shamans are people who can see spirits and these spirits can provide them power using Hyoi Gattai a technique in which a spirit enters a human body to give them ultimate powers depending on the spirit. Tings slowly evolve from Hyoi Gattai to Oversoul in which the spirit enters a weapon. The show gets even more interesting when all the Shamans in the world gather in Tokyo for the ultimate battle to be Shaman King.
The show is incredibly funny (especially the real reason why Asakura Yoh wants to be Shaman King), it gets even funnier when Yoh's fiancee, Anna, enters the scene. It seems that they've been engaged since they were young and every memory Yoh has of her ends up with him crying =p. There are so many cool characters (in which Anna is one of my fav) So I suggest watching this show as it is very cool.
Now that I think of it, why didn't I put this in my other blog?

Asakura Yoh

Kyouyama Anna

Oyamada Manta

Tao Ren (one of my most fav characters! He's another Shaman that battled Yoh a couple of times before they became friends, he has funny hair, though =p)
There's another important character named Amidamaru, he's Yoh's main spirit Yoh uses for battle. Sadly I can't seem to find any good pics.
I believe that's all for now. I hope you can watch Shaman King with me too! So far I've watched 24 episodes...not sure how much left...=p |