Sunday, January 25, 2004
Try me...Recently I've been portraying my great 'faith' that I have in God. Like it or not, I believe I've turned into some Holy freak thanks to the fact that I'm reading the bible everyday thanks to the advice of my church. Now whenever I advice Apsara I add in stories or parables from the bible. But still, don't expect me to be condemning you all just because you don't read the bible. I'm not that crazy!
I went to Singapore recently to check up on my aunt who has just recently give birth (that's the last of the pregnant batch... for now...) She's soooooooo tiny!!!! I mean the baby, lol... My uncle commented 'She has a long way to go if she wants to be as tall as you!' I carried her for a while, she'll smile for a while, making you think she likes you, and then...
Well, babies are babies...
Can you believe it, throughout my entire one day trip in Singapore, I spent 70% of it sleeping??? Yep... I wasn't bothered to bother my father to bring me anywhere. After playing with the baby, I fell asleep with her next to me (Kawaii???)... Must be exhausted from my lack of sleep...
Fish, school is coming and I haven't even finished ANY of my homework!