Saturday, January 18, 2003
Konban wa!Sumimasen! I know it's been a while since I've last blogged (a while????????) but my com's giving trouble so I'm using my dad's laptop now.
Well, I'm back from the Phillipines...back to ruin other people's lives plus ruining mine...but it's not so bad, I love being back in Malaysia. I miss everything about it, the food, the family, the friends...It sure is great to be home.
So I've taken artstream together with Mel, Al and Aps. It's not so bad, but my aunt is asking why I didn't take Science since I got A in Maths and science...let's just say I wasn't fit in for all this tough work. But accounts is also keeping me on my toes...Luckily, with Aps questionitive air, I'm able to focus on what I do, so I guess it's worth sitting next to her (at least I have some pationce :p)
Today I went to KLCC with Al and Weevern. It was the first time I had ever seen the other Kinokuniya bookstore which is all Japanese! I didn't find any CCS in jap, but I found the english translation which costs the same price as the normal Jap books. But it didn't have the episode I want so I didn't bother to waste my money. Weevern went crazy over Gensomaden Saiyuki, I embarrassed myself in front of Al when I said I've never seen anyone so obssessed (Hoeeeeeeeee....:p). But anyway, I got the episode I want in mandarin which is the last Manga of CCS...wah! I was so happy! I'm going to be on a search for the translation...I don't care!!! I am ke-ra-zy over CCS.
I even saw a full illustration book which costs almost RM100...a lot, I know, but I'm saving up on it no matter what. That reminds me...I wonder if Subang Parade MPH is still selling the 3rd season episodes yet...?
My left ear has been giving me trouble for quite some time. My dad brought me to a doctor to find out it was infected so I'm on pills instead of drops. Must be from listening/reading to all that uncensored lyrics of Eminem. Yay! Li Ting is also a big fan of Eminem, so it's me, Li Ting and Puteri, the big fan of Eminem!
Lose yourself to the music, the moment, you own it,
You better never let it go, You only get one shot,
Do not miss your chance to blow, This opportunity
comes once in a lifetime...
So I found a place that is full of Japanese books/Anime if only I could find a place filled withe anime music...(:p) |
Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Which Saiyuki boy are you?
Take the Saiyuki Quiz at
I got Hakkai!!!!!!!!!!!! |