Friday, October 08, 2004
Don don atatakunatte...Words are very fickle things. Words can bring light into the darkest nights, yet becomes crashing waves of despair next.
And it's so simple to wish to die because of those words.
Truly, I've been through hell lately. And as the lines of 'If' in our petry syllabus goes...
If you can watch your world crash down before you
And stoop, and build them up again with worn out tools...
Or something like that. Hey, I'm too lazy to run to my room and check. But the point is there.
I watched my world crash down again. But using the virtues I had, and the strenght I see in people and you guys, I built it up again.
And allow me to smile affectinately for you. It is my way of showing gratitude and love.
Oh yeah, thanks Vic and Yee Ling for your very early presents. Very, very much appreciated.
Secret Birthday wish 2:
Walking down aisles
That claim eternal happiness
Merely behind glass walls
For happiness cannot be gained
Without the bitterness of pain
And sacrifice
My years here
Have taught me
To love
To share
To care
For others
I was born
Devoted to my family
And loved ones
So I shall be happy
For all my seventeen years
God bless