
The Girl





Saturday, December 20, 2003

Ma-ri Ku-ri-su-ma-su to ha-pi nu ya!

Well, it's funny to read it like that but that's how the Japanese would say it... LOL:p Being in a sort-of good mood mua would like to qoute the Chipmunk song which all of us younger generation find so amusing...

Christmas, christmas time is near
Time for joy and time for cheer
We've been good but we can't last
Hurry Christmas, Hurry fast...

Men: Want a plane that loops the loops
Women: Me, I want a hoola hoop
All: We can hardly stand the wait
Please christmas don't be late!

A few things amused me during christmas shopping. Well, I thought about the carolling and thought of the song 'Deck the halls'. Remember the line 'Don we now our gay apparel'? My mind translated it as 'Let us all dress like gay men' (the men sang this line so I imagined them saying that... ^^;; imagine the image that popped up next!)

And then I saw a sign that said 'Departmental store' and my mind translated it as 'De-part-mental store' LOL...

And then I teased Tasha by taking her glasses and asking her to read something from a distance. It always amuses me the words Tasha tries to make as she squints as hard as she can... from 1 Basket she managed to turn it into 'Leonardo'?????? LOL...

Hope you guys are having a swell holiday, too!


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