Sunday, October 29, 2006
InsensitiveWatching/Listening to: Jann Arden - Insensitive
How do you cool your lips
After a summer's kiss?
How do you rid the sweat
After the body bliss?
How do you turn your eyes
From the romantic glare?
How do you block the sound
Of a voice you'd know anywhere?
Oh, I really should have known...
By the time you drove me home
By the vagueness in your eyes
(Your) casual good-byes
By the chill in your embrace
The expression on your face that told me
Maybe you might have some advice to give
On how to be
How do you numb your skin
After the warmest touch?
How do you slow your blood
After the body rush?
How do you free your soul
After you've found a friend?
How do you teach your heart
Its a crime to fall in love again?
Oh, you probably wont remember me
Its probably ancient history
I'm one of the chosen few
Who went ahead and fell for you
I am out of vogue, I'm out of touch
I fell too fast, I feel too much
I thought that you might have some advice
To give on how to be
Oh, I really should have known...
By the time you drove me home
By the vagueness in your eyes
(Your) casual good-byes
By the chill in your embrace
The expression on your face that told me
Maybe you might have some advice to give
On how to be
(How to be) Insensitive
(How to be) Insensitive
(How to be) Insensitive
Doesn't it make you wonder when you know you fell for someone whom you know couldn't love you back? You know you're an idiot for doing so... But no matter what, it'll still hurt somehow... Knowing that that someone has disregarded your feelings regardless.
Yes, I consider him as insensitive.
And I agree with this song... maybe I should be insensitive too. Cause being sensitive has always brought me a lot of pain, really.
Take care and God bless. |
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Children can be quite smart...Watching: Ouran Host Club: PROMISE
As most of you know, I teach Sunday School for the Standard Ones. Teaching them had always been such an experience... they differ so much from the class I used to facilitate for, the Standard Fours.
While the Standard Fours are smart talkers, the Standard Ones need only one word to be described...
I had a good laugh a couple of times by their responses to my questions, which often miss the target. It does get frustrating sometimes... but I always keep in mind that they're young and nothing like the Standard Fours that I've gotten used to in the past two years.
So now I've gotten the chance to mark their work. There was this one exercise that I've given them that was quite hard, I admit, for their little minds... but I thought I would try.
I asked them to write the four special sacraments and give reasons to thank them. So it goes something like this:
'I thank you, Lord, for the Sacrament of Baptism because I become a part of your family'
And this goes on for the Sacrament of Eucharist, Confirmation and Reconciliation.
Now, as I expected, a lot of the kids left their work blank, or was incomplete (They did say thanks but did not state why) but one child was the best.
'I thank you, Lord, for the Sacrament of Baptism.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.'
And this was the same for the other 3 sacraments.
I burst out laughing and am now uncertain what to mark this boy. He's thankful all right... and I thank God that he is. But now how am I supposed to explain?
Note to self: Write down the answers on the board and ask them to write it down. These kids are still too young to think of something this complicated.
I have a long way to go before I can become a good Sunday School Teacher. ^^;;;
Take care and God bless! |
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
I'm doing fineListening to: The Fray - Look After You
I seem to be obsessed with The Fray, haven't I?
Well, the holidays are drawing to a close (at least, I think it is...) and so far, I might say, these holidays really weren't that bad thankfully.
I was thinking lately about growing up and becoming a better person. There are days when I think moving on and becoming better just seems so hard. Why should I change? Aren't I better off as I am? Who cares what other people think... this is who I am, so why should I change?
Nothing stays the same. Everything changes... so I must change, too. It won't be easy, but I'll be going somewhere, right? I think... cause lately I have no idea what's going to happen to me. I don't have a particular goal to look forward to, and the little goals I have for each day sometimes isn't suffice when the world is demanding more.
Right now, I'm wondering which career path should I take. My parents are telling me to take PR... some say journalism, some say other stuff. I feel like taking broadcasting... but I doubt my own capabilites sometimes. Cause I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go, and who I should listen to.
Any advice?
The mutated squirrels:

Caught this picture last Saturday morning. Now tell me... is this a new breed of squirrel or something? Cause they've only popped up a few years ago... and I've stayed in this area for almost 12 years now... Lol!
And yes, I'm being evil for calling them mutated. >_<
Take care and God bless!
Say a little prayer... and move... |
Friday, July 28, 2006
Everyone knows...Listening to: The Fray - Over my head
Right, new blogskin. I don't know how many of you like it, but I really do. ^^ And now I'll put the "listening to" or even "watching" or "reading", plus you'll actually get to hear/watch what I'm hearing/watching (well, now with Putfile, you can hear the songs I'm listening to).
So I may have been a little too dependant on my LJ, but that doesn't mean I hate blogger. I just use LJ cause it's much more simpler to use plus I get to hide some of my posts for only those whom I've accepted as friends to read (one of the reasons I love LJ). So all the ones that I want private and only for certain people to see, I've got that covered.
It's still the holidays for me and it's been a little bit slow. Been hanging out a lot in front of the computer, yet not really at the same time. I had been baby sitting my cousins a lot because their mom was sick. Then I had to go to the hospital because it seems I'm having allergy problems (and the funny thing is, I'm not even sure what I'm allergic to) and I've also been out a lot thanks to LifeLine...
So while my holidays aren't exciting, it isn't exactly boring. Am I making sense? I thought so. ^^
I want to do a lot of things, but right now I'm thinking I don't want to restrict myself on just doing it these holidays. I have a lot of time... I guess...
Everything will be fine.
Sorry for the filler post... Just felt like posting something I guess.
Take care and God bless! |
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I'm free!So it's the holidays for me right now and it definitely is a relief. The stress, the problems... I can now forget about them and focus on something that I'm sure will make me feel like life's worthwhile.
Like how I cooked for everyone for Bon Odori... Yes, I cooked and though it may not be restaurant quality, the fact that the people I love actually enjoyed the meal was satisfying enough for me. And yeah... I might cook more... but that really depends. Lol!
Seriously, I now believe I can move on from all the drama that happened during last semester. I have a lot of hope in me for some reason... maybe because I prayed a lot and God answered my prayer? Maybe... but I like to think it is.
Right now, I really do feel like I'm capable of doing a lot of things in my life. And so I want to hold on to this feeling, and do the best I can.
No more worrying about assignments, no more worrying about making the people in college happy although they do nothing for you in return. I can actually find something to look forward to now.
I will not waste these holidays. That I'm sure.
Take care and God bless! ^^ |
Monday, June 19, 2006
Real MeRecently, I've gone into a really numb state. Like, I refuse to think about my pain cause it's not worth thinking about it. It's probably instinct for me now that whenever I start feeling down, I force it out of my mind and instantly try to find some way to distract me. Music, anime... dreams of writing fanfiction or creating more music videos. Dreams of stories that I know I'll never write out of the lack of time.
And then I realized that I'm running away. Gah... darn, I really don't know what to do sometimes.
On a lighter note, how many of you are actually feeling the football fever? I have... and that's cause my dad's forcing himself to watch the games because everyone else in his workplace is doing it, also including some of my uncles. So I'll be sitting in front of my computer, doing what I usually do and suddenly my dad will shout out "GOAL!!! HAH? AIYAH.... DIDN'T GO IN! STUPID!" and I'll be digging my ears because I swear the wax in my ears just went in deeper because of that.
I'll watch some of the games, but I usually don't because of my dad. Guess what... we finally got Astro but I don't like any of the channels dad subscribed to. Besides the basic channels, he only subscribed to movie, sports, education and news. Education (which is National Geographic, Animal Planet, etc.) is fine, but no MTV, no Cartoon Network... Lol! Here I was worried that with Astro I'd be more distracted from college work. Looks like my life will continue revolving around the computer. ^^;;; At least we have The funny thing is dad might remove the movies because he thinks the "free" ones are good enough.
I really feel like telling him that he might as well not have gotten Astro if he wants to save money that much. But I guess it's his only form of entertainment (since I hog the com) so I'll let him do whatever he wants. As long as he doesn't remove streamyx. Lol!
Tasha was watching one of the games, even after telling me she was going to bed. And then...
Tasha: Oh my gosh! Their noses!!
Me: What about them?
Tasha: They're huge!
Me: What?
Tasha: Huge, Michelle! Come and see!
Me: (Walks away from the computer and stares at the TV) Tasha, please don't tell me you're watching this game to stare at their noses.
Tasha: But they're HUGE, Michelle! See! See!
Me: (Sighs, shakes her head and goes back to stare at her computer)
My sister's thoughts about Astro? We were washing the car when she said, "I don't care, as long as we have NBC."
And thus I sprayed her with the water hose. Gotta love Tasha. Hahah.
Take care and God bless. |
Monday, June 05, 2006
No need to cryMy gosh... a whole month of not posting anything on this blog. What has become of me? Back when I was in High School, I made it a point to post at least once a week in this blog. Now?
Simple... I lost interest.
Not to say that I hate this blog, but rather I don't know what to put in here anymore. Believe me, in the past month, I have tried my best to come up with something worthy of putting up in this blog without offending anyone and without sounding too emo.
I'm a girl, whose college life sucks and is now handling problems ranging from family, education, relationships and also the need to understand who I really am. (Thus my last post on all the quizzes) How can I not sound emo? And it's not like anyone cares on what's going in my life anyway...
Yeah, I'm so wrong.
But the problem right now is that I'm not really honest to myself anymore. It's like, one minute I'll say, "I like cake" and then the next minute I'll be saying, "I've got to be kidding me... I hate cake! It makes me fat!" and then I go into a state of denial and never eat cake again, even though I do have a thing for them.
Why do I continue to lie to myself? Probably to ensure that I don't start crying out of nowhere again. Seriously, I don't know the amount of times I cried this past month. And it always happens whenever I'm face to face with my true self. It's not that I don't want to accept my true self, I'm more afraid really. I know life's supposed to change, but how can I change when the world isn't expecting me to?
But then again, why am I depending on the world?
Lord, give me a reason to be here. Tell me what to do... I don't want to be lost anymore, I don't want to be confused. I don't want to feel abandoned anymore, or alone. But if this is Your will, then so be it.
But isn't the pain enough? I don't seem to be getting better for some reason...
Darn, how I hate my emo-ness. Sadly, I have nothing creative or funny to share about my life anymore. Would've thought that after that fateful day of almost leaving the world that I'd treasure my life even more...
It takes a lot more than that, right?
Please pray for me. The days are getting harder and I need all the help I can get. I don't think I can stand another day of locking myself up in my room and crying my eyes out and choking on my tears.
I want to smile with all of you once more.
Take care and God bless. |